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Increase Your Production Capacity with SolvTrue™ Solvent Recyclers
CBG BiotechAug 11, 2021 3:14:08 PM2 min read

Increase Your Production Capacity with SolvTrue™ Solvent Recyclers

Industrial supply chains were seemingly secure prior to the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Since then, they have demonstrated fragility and this has led manufacturers to think of supply chains differently and more creatively in order to increase production capacity.

Of the industrial supply chains directly affected by COVID-19, one which has been impacted significantly is the supply chain associated with organic solvents. Demand for organic solvents surged well beyond capacity and this left many manufacturers without resources in the form of organic solvents that earlier had been assumed as safe and stable.

One solution for manufacturers is using industrial solvent recycling equipment to increase production capacity.

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Supply Chain Solvent Recycling

Mitigate supply chain challenges by using CBG's SolvTrue™ industrial solvent recyclers for recovering your used industrial solvents so they can be reused in your production processes and associated applications.

Process Automation with Solvent Recyclers

Solvent recyclers can be designed and programmed to integrate directly into your work process and in some cases directly into your associated production equipment. For example, parts washers can be plumbed directly into production recyclers by feeding into the recycler from your dirty sump and collecting recovered, concentrated solvent into your clean sump. This eliminates labor while adding safer work practices to your production operations.

Simplify Processes to Reduce Costs

Through concentration of your work processes, organic solvents which are often moved about in a production facility will not need to be moved nearly as frequently, eliminating overhead and associated costs with the movement of any organic solvent material. This simplifies safety within your facility as these organics are not being moved on a frequent basis.

Through solvent recovery efforts, you will save money on organic solvent purchases, allowing you to allocate your valuable budget to other parts of your business. Your company will reduce solvent waste and disposal costs and improve its generator status with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as your waste generation decreases.

Learn More

For these reasons, ranging from strategic to tactical, it’s important to evaluate the security of your supply chain for organic solvents with the use of our production recyclers. CBG Biotech's industrial business development executives stand ready to meet your needs for recovering your own organic solvents with SolvTrue production recyclers. If you have a question or would like more info, please call 800-941-9484 (and press option 3 for support) or get in touch with us online today!

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CBG Biotech

CBG Biotech is a leading manufacturer & supplier of solvent recovery systems for laboratory, industrial and cannabis applications. We promote sustainability, safety, operational improvements, and process automation in the form of higher throughput.